Author / Artist
Pub Date
"A House in Rutland" Scrivens, Janet Dorothy Paperback 1518687458 / 9781518687457 2015-10-30 $11.40
"All the World's a Stage": Dramatic Sensibility in Mary Shelley's Novels (Studies in Major Literary Authors)Bunnell, Charlene Paperback 0415866871 / 9780415866873 2014-09-11 $60.79
"All the World's a Stage": Dramatic Sensibility in Mary Shelley's Novels (Studies in Major Literary Authors)Bunnell, Charlene Hardcover 0415938635 / 9780415938631 2002-04-03 $171.00
"And Touching Our Society": Fashioning Jesuit Identity in Elizabethan England (Studies and Texts)McCoog, Thomas M. Hardcover 0888441835 / 9780888441836 2013-04-30 $90.25
"Are We Beasts" Churchill and the Moral Question of World War II "Area Bombing" Harmon, Christopher C. Paperback 1478255013 / 9781478255017 2012-07-16 $13.34
"Are We Beasts?" Churchill and the Moral Question of World War II "Area Bombing": Naval War College Newport Papers 1 Harmon, Christopher C. Paperback 1478399864 / 9781478399865 2012-08-09 $13.29
"By Ocean Divided": Poems of Ireland and New England Moore, Kevin V. Paperback 1481920545 / 9781481920544 2013-03-14 $9.50
"Dark Heart(s)". Family Secrets and Hidden Selves in the Work of Charlotte Mendelson Thieme, Elisa Valerie Paperback 3656899541 / 9783656899549 2015-02-18 $59.76
"Dear Friends," Brady, Ann Paperback 1912472627 / 9781912472628 2019-05-27 $11.39
"Dignity in Simplicity" Reprint 2017 Edition (Buchreihe Der Anglia / Anglia Book) (German) Ertl, Heimo Hardcover 3484421274 / 9783484421271 1988-01-01 $146.30
"Far from the Madding Crowd" by Thomas Hardy as a Criticism of Romantic Love Schenk, Teresa Paperback 3668461163 / 9783668461161 2017-07-12 $33.16
"Gen Xers" and "Boomers": Representation of an intergenerational relationship in Douglas Coupland's "Generation X" Villwock, Martin Paperback 3638861988 / 9783638861984 2007-11-27 $33.16
"I Have a Dream": An example of classical rhetoric in a post-modern speech Durgut, Ismail Paperback 3640108973 / 9783640108978 2008-07-24 $36.01
"If Then the World a Theatre Present...": Revisions of the Theatrum Mundi Metaphor in Early Modern England (Pluralisierung & Autorität)Quiring, Björn Hardcover 3110292297 / 9783110292299 2014-07-28 $158.64
"Like Parchment in the Fire": Literature and Radicalism in the English Civil War (Literary Criticism and Cultural Theory)Chakravarty, Prasanta Paperback 1138868698 / 9781138868694 2015-02-27 $60.79
"Like Parchment in the Fire": Literature and Radicalism in the English Civil War (Studies in Major Literary Authors)Chakravarty, Prasanta Hardcover 0415977185 / 9780415977180 2006-04-10 $180.50
"Man as Social Animal?" - Charakterliche und psychische Anlagen der männlichen Protagonisten in ausgewählten Romanen von Nick Hornby (German) Kusza, Nicole Paperback 3640515145 / 9783640515141 2010-01-21 $55.58
"matter of Glorious Trial": Spiritual and Material Substance in "paradise Lost" Sugimura, Noel Paperback 0300135599 / 9780300135596 2009-11-01 $75.60
"My unwasht Muse" (Buchreihe Der Anglia / Anglia Book) (German) Lennartz, Norbert Hardcover 348442141X / 9783484421417 2009-12-11 $158.64
"Paradise Lost: A Poem Written in Ten Books": An Authoritative Text of the 1667 First Edition (Medieval & Renaissance Literary Studies)Shawcross, John T. Hardcover 0820703923 / 9780820703923 2007-12-14 $71.20
"Paradise Lost: A Poem Written in Ten Books": Essays on the 1667 First Edition (Medieval & Renaissance Literary Studies)Lieb, Michael Hardcover 0820703931 / 9780820703930 2007-12-14 $71.20
"Perhaps I Will Tell You Lies": The Representation of History and Historical "Truth" in Margarete Atwood's "Alias Grace" Unzicker, Florian Paperback 364043076X / 9783640430765 2009-09-21 $36.01
"romeo And Juliet": Tragedy In Four Acts Shakespeare, William Hardcover 1347788670 / 9781347788677 2015-12-07 $28.45
"Something Has Gone Crack": New Perspectives on J.R.R. Tolkien in the Great War (Cormarë)Croft, Janet Brennan Paperback 3905703416 / 9783905703412 2019-09-21 $30.50
"Survival factors" in Frank McCourt´s "Angela´s Ashes" Schneider, Helena Paperback 3638662241 / 9783638662246 2007-07-05 $36.01