Steps For Ordering Using A Purchase Order
- Create a Free Account.
- Start shopping and adding items to your shopping cart.
- Once the order is complete, proceed to Checkout.
- Choose 'Submit a Purchase Order' as your payment method.
- Make sure that the Bill To & Ship To addresses are the same as they appear on your Purchase Order (ie: Bill to: District Office / Ship to: School)
- Click the 'Submit this Purchase Order' button at the bottom of the checkout page.
- Enter your PO Number so that we can verify your purchase order.
- Fax your approved PO to 1-866-546-2544 (or 1-843-225-6264) or e-mail to
This will speed up the validation process. Please make sure all contact
information is correct before faxing or e-mailing.
All invoices must be paid upon receipt of your completed order.
We require either a fax, email, or mailed copy of your purchase before your order will be processed.
* Remember that you can check the status of your order, view tracking numbers & print out invoices all from your My Account page.
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