Author / Artist
Pub Date
1832 Cherokee Land Lottery of Georgia Smith, James F. Paperback 0893080330 / 9780893080334 2016-08-08 $42.75
1832 Gold Land Lottery of Georgia Lucas, Silas Emmett, Jr. Paperback 089308638X / 9780893086381 2015-01-12 $42.75
1833 Land Lottery of Georgia Davis, Robert Scott Paperback 0893083380 / 9780893083380 2016-07-28 $14.25
1835: The Founding of Melbourne & the Conquest of Australia Boyce, James Paperback 186395600X / 9781863956000 2013-03-22 $13.14
1836 Facts about the Alamo and the Texas War for Independence (Facts about)Petite, Mary Deborah Paperback 188281035X / 9781882810352 1998-12-01 $20.99
1847: A Chronicle of Genius, Generosity and Savagery Bunbury, Turtle Hardcover 0717168344 / 9780717168347 2017-11-14 $31.39
1848 -- A European Revolution?: International Ideas and National Memories of 1848 2000 Edition Körner, A. Hardcover 0333749294 / 9780333749296 2000-02-17 $104.49
1848 -- A European Revolution?: International Ideas and National Memories of 1848 2000 Edition Körner, A. Paperback 1403920346 / 9781403920348 2000-02-17 $104.49
1848-A European Revolution?: International Ideas and National Memories of 1848 2000 Edition Na, Na Hardcover 0312226144 / 9780312226145 2000-05-20 $104.49
1848: Ereignis Und Erinnerung in Den Politischen Kulturen Mitteleuropas (Zentraleuropa-Studien) (German) Haider, Barbara Hardcover 3700131348 / 9783700131342 2003-10-13 $84.55
1848: The Year the World Turned? Boardman, Kay Hardcover 1847181988 / 9781847181985 2007-06-01 $71.35
1850 Mortality Schedule of South Carolina Holcomb, Brent Paperback 0893081949 / 9780893081942 2014-06-13 $11.88
1857: Facets of the Great Revolt Moosvi, Shireen Paperback 8189487442 / 9788189487447 2010-05-01 $14.70
1858: Abraham Lincoln, Jefferson Davis, Robert E. Lee, Ulysses S. Grant and the War They Failed to See Chadwick, Bruce Paperback 140226268X / 9781402262685 2011-09-01 $15.32
1863: Lincoln's Pivotal Year Holzer, Harold Hardcover 0809332469 / 9780809332465 2013-02-25 $34.60
1866: The Critical Year Revisited Riddleberger, Patrick W. Paperback 0819142395 / 9780819142399 1984-09-14 $74.54
1866: Vom Deutschen Bund Zum Deutschen Reich: Deutschland - Hessen - Frankfurt (German) Heidenreich, Bernd Hardcover 3110546736 / 9783110546736 2017-10-10 $63.64
187 Things You Should Know about the War of 1812 Hickey, Donald R. Paperback 098421352X / 9780984213528 2012-07-01 $10.95
1876 Facts about Custer and the Battle of the Little Big Horn (Facts about)Russell, Jerry L. Paperback 1882810341 / 9781882810345 1999-06-01 $20.99
1877: America's Year of Living Violently Bellesiles, Michael A. Paperback 159558708X / 9781595587084 2012-02-07 $14.56
1880 Census: Franklin County, Tennessee Sistler, Byron H. Paperback 1596411309 / 9781596411302 2011-03-04 $15.68
1880 Census: Macon County, Tennessee Sistler, Byron H. Paperback 1596413999 / 9781596413993 2018-04-02 $13.30
1880 Census: Rutherford County, Tennessee Sistler, Byron H. Paperback 1596414081 / 9781596414082 2018-04-27 $25.65
1889: The Boomer Movement, the Land Run, and Early Oklahoma City Hightower, Michael J. Paperback 0806160705 / 9780806160702 2018-09-20 $18.21
1895: Drama, Disaster and Disgrace in Late Victorian Britain (Edinburgh Critical Studies in Victorian Literature)Freeman, Nicholas Hardcover 0748640568 / 9780748640560 2011-10-12 $118.75