Author / Artist
Pub Date
A Lost Frontier Revealed: Regional Separation in the East Midlands Volume 7 Volume 7 Edition (Studies in Regional and Local History)Fox, Alan Paperback 1902806972 / 9781902806976 2010-04-01 $27.70
A Pleasing Prospect: Social Change and Urban Culture in Eighteenth-Century Colchester Volume 5 (Studies in Regional and Local History)D'Cruze, Shani Paperback 1902806735 / 9781902806730 2009-04-01 $36.05
A Prospering Society: Wiltshire in the Later Middle Ages Volume 10 (Studies in Regional and Local History)Hare, John Paperback 1902806859 / 9781902806853 2012-02-01 $36.05
Bread and Ale for the Brethren: The Provisioning of Norwich Cathedral Priory, 1260-1536 Volume 11 (Studies in Regional and Local History)Slavin, Philip Paperback 1907396632 / 9781907396632 2012-09-01 $36.05
Bricks of Victorian London: A Social and Economic History Volume 22 Hounsell, Peter Paperback 1912260573 / 9781912260577 2023-04-01 $36.05
Bricks of Victorian London: A Social and Economic History Volume 22 Hounsell, Peter Hardcover 1912260565 / 9781912260560 2022-12-01 $75.95
Communities in Contrast, 16: Doncaster and Its Rural Hinterland, C.1830-1870 (Studies in Regional and Local History)Powley, Sarah Paperback 1912260131 / 9781912260133 2019-09-02 $36.05
Out Of Print Communities in Contrast, Volume 16: Doncaster and Its Rural Hinterland, C.1830-1870 (Studies in Regional and Local History)Powley, Sarah Hardcover 1912260123 / 9781912260126 2019-02-18 $75.95
Cultural Transition in the Chilterns and Essex Region, 350 Ad to 650 Ad: Volume 4 Volume 4 Revised Edition (Studies in Regional and Local History)Baker, John T. Paperback 1902806530 / 9781902806532 2007-03-01 $34.15
Custom and Commercialisation in English Rural Society: Revisiting Tawney and Postan (Studies in Regional and Local History)Bowen, J. P. Hardcover 1909291447 / 9781909291447 2016-02-01 $75.95
Custom and Commercialisation in English Rural Society: Revisiting Tawney and Postan (Studies in Regional and Local History)Bowen, J. P. Paperback 1909291455 / 9781909291454 2016-06-01 $36.05
From Hellgill to Bridge End: Aspects of Economic and Social Change in the Upper Eden Valley Circa 1840-1895 (Studies in Regional and Local History)Shepherd, Margaret E. Paperback 1902806328 / 9781902806327 2004-11-01 $37.95
Histories of People and Landscape: Essays on the Sheffield Region in Memory of David Hey Volume 20 Hoyle, Richard Hardcover 1912260395 / 9781912260393 2021-04-01 $75.95
Histories of People and Landscape: Essays on the Sheffield Region in Memory of David Hey Volume 20 Hoyle, Richard Paperback 1912260409 / 9781912260409 2021-09-01 $36.05
Land and Family: Trends and Local Variations in the Peasant Land Market on the Winchester Bishopric Estates, 1263-1415 Volume 8 (Studies in Regional and Local History)Mullan, John Paperback 1902806956 / 9781902806952 2010-10-01 $36.05
Lichfield and the Lands of St Chad: Creating Community in Early Medieval Mercia Volume 19 Sargent, Andrew Hardcover 1912260247 / 9781912260249 2020-09-01 $75.95
Lichfield and the Lands of St Chad: Creating Community in Early Medieval Mercia Volume 19 Sargent, Andrew Paperback 1912260255 / 9781912260256 2021-01-01 $36.05
Managing for Posterity: The Norfolk Gentry and Their Estates C.1450-1700 Volume 21 Whittle, Jane Paperback 191226045X / 9781912260454 2022-05-02 $36.05
Managing for Posterity: The Norfolk Gentry and Their Estates C.1450-1700 Volume 21 Whittle, Jane Hardcover 1912260441 / 9781912260447 2022-05-02 $75.95
Out of the Hay and Into the Hops: Hop Cultivation in Wealden Kent and Hop Marketing in Southwark, 1744-2000 Volume 9 (Studies in Regional and Local History)Cordle, Celia Paperback 1907396047 / 9781907396045 2011-10-01 $36.05
Peasant Perspectives on the Medieval Landscape: A Study of Three Communities Volume 17 Kilby, Susan Hardcover 1912260204 / 9781912260201 2020-09-01 $75.95
Peasant Perspectives on the Medieval Landscape: A Study of Three Communities Volume 17 Kilby, Susan Paperback 1912260212 / 9781912260218 2020-11-02 $36.05
Poor Relief and Community in Hadleigh, Suffolk 1547-1600: Volume 12 (Studies in Regional and Local History)McIntosh, Marjorie Keniston Paperback 1907396926 / 9781907396922 2013-10-01 $36.05
Shaping the Past: Theme, Time and Place in Local History - Essays in Honour of David Dymond Amor, Nicholas R. Paperback 1912260239 / 9781912260232 2021-01-04 $36.05
Shaping the Past: Theme, Time and Place in Local History - Essays in Honour of David Dymond Amor, Nicholas R. Hardcover 1912260220 / 9781912260225 2020-10-01 $75.95