Author / Artist
Pub Date
Where the Water Goes: Life and Death Along the Colorado River Owen, David Paperback 0735216096 / 9780735216099 2018-04-10 $15.20
Interfacial and Confined Water Brovchenko, Ivan Hardcover 0444527184 / 9780444527189 2008-05-01 $215.25
Estuarine Ecohydrology: An Introduction Revised Edition Wolanski, Eric Hardcover 0444633987 / 9780444633989 2015-08-19 $106.05
Groundwater Modelling in Arid and Semi-Arid Areas (International Hydrology)Wheater, Howard S. Paperback 1107690110 / 9781107690110 2014-02-20 $47.49
Hydrological Modelling in Arid and Semi-Arid Areas (International Hydrology)Wheater, Howard Paperback 1108460410 / 9781108460415 2018-03-01 $47.49
Coping with Water Scarcity: Addressing the Challenges 2009 Edition Santos Pereira, Luis Hardcover 1402095783 / 9781402095788 2009-03-27 $208.99
The Forms of Water in Clouds & Rivers, Ice & Glaciers Tyndall, John Paperback 1406784923 / 9781406784923 2007-10-09 $19.94
Out Of Print The Hydraulic Principles Governing River And Harbor Construction (1922) Townsend, Curtis McDonald Hardcover 1437380786 / 9781437380781 2008-12-22 $35.96
Out Of Print Hydrology and Water Law: Bridging the Gap (Water Law and Policy)Wallace, J. Hardcover 1843390701 / 9781843390701 2006-04-01 $162.45
Non-Hydrostatic Free Surface Flows 2017 Edition (Advances in Geophysical and Environmental Mechanics and Math)Castro-Orgaz, Oscar Hardcover 3319479695 / 9783319479699 2017-04-04 $208.99
The Double Constraint Inversion Methodology: Equations and Applications in Forward and Inverse Modeling of Groundwater Flow 2018 Edition (Springerbriefs in Applied Sciences and Technology)Zijl, Wouter Paperback 3319713418 / 9783319713410 2018-01-03 $52.24
Hydrogeodynamics of Oil and Gas Basins 2010 Edition Djunin, V. I. Hardcover 9048128463 / 9789048128464 2009-11-27 $161.49
Stochastic and Statistical Methods in Hydrology and Environmental Engineering: Time Series Analysis in Hydrology and Environmental Engineering (Water Science and Technology Library)Hipel, Keith W. Paperback 9048143799 / 9789048143795 2010-12-06 $237.49
Water-Quality Hydrology 1996 Edition (Water Science and Technology Library)Singh, V. P. Paperback 9401041768 / 9789401041768 2012-10-14 $52.24
Engineering Hydrology: Processes and Modeling Gardner, Marcus Hardcover 164116297X / 9781641162975 2020-09-08 $133.00
An Introduction to Solute Transport in Heterogeneous Geologic Media Yeh, Tian-Chyi Jim Hardcover 1316511189 / 9781316511183 2023-02-09 $66.49
Hydrate the Earth Fitzsimmons, Ananda Paperback 2493291212 / 9782493291219 2021-12-20 $19.94
Hydrometry: IHE Delft Lecture Note Series (UNESCO-IHE Lecture Notes)Boiten, W. Paperback 0415467632 / 9780415467636 2008-05-15 $92.14
The Ecology of Running Waters Hynes, H. B. Paperback 1930665334 / 9781930665330 2001-08-01 $61.70
Hydrological Data Driven Modelling: A Case Study Approach Softcover Repri Edition (Earth Systems Data and Models)Remesan, Renji Paperback 3319350285 / 9783319350288 2016-08-23 $113.99
Kohlendioxid in Wasser Mit Alkalinität: Berechnung Und Grafische Darstellung Der Chemischen Gleichgewichte 2015 Edition (German) Hobiger, Gerhard Paperback 3662454653 / 9783662454657 2015-07-01 $37.99
Stochastic and Statistical Methods in Hydrology and Environmental Engineering: Extreme Values: Floods and Droughts (Water Science and Technology Library)Hipel, Keith W. Paperback 9048143780 / 9789048143788 2010-12-15 $161.49
Ice Sheets and Climate Softcover Repri Edition Oerlemans, Johannes Paperback 9400963270 / 9789400963276 2011-11-12 $104.49
Water Resources Planning and Management: Proceedings of the International Conference on Hydrology and Water Resources, New Delhi, India, December 1993 Softcover Repri Edition (Water Science and Technology Library)Singh, V. P. Paperback 9401041776 / 9789401041775 2012-10-14 $208.99
Mechanics And Hydrostatics For Beginners L. Loney, S. Paperback 9354187137 / 9789354187131 2020-11-02 $13.57