Author / Artist
Pub Date
An a from Miss Keller Polacco, Patricia Hardcover 0399166912 / 9780399166914 2015-09-29 $13.86
An Orange for Frankie Polacco, Patricia Hardcover 039924302X / 9780399243028 2004-09-16 $14.59
Aunt Chip and the Great Triple Creek Dam Affair Polacco, Patricia Hardcover 0399229434 / 9780399229435 1996-03-19 $13.86
Babushka Baba Yaga Polacco, Patricia Paperback 069811633X / 9780698116337 1999-01-25 $6.56
Babushka's Doll Polacco, Patricia Paperback 0689802552 / 9780689802553 1995-08-01 $6.56
Babushka's Doll Polacco, Patricia Hardcover 0671683438 / 9780671683436 1990-09-01 $14.59
Because of Thursday Polacco, Patricia Hardcover 1481421409 / 9781481421409 2016-10-18 $13.86
Bee Tree Polacco, Patricia Prebound 075691714X / 9780756917142 1998-05-04 $21.42
Bully Polacco, Patricia Hardcover 0399257047 / 9780399257049 2012-09-13 $13.86
Butterfly, the PB Polacco, Patricia Paperback 0142413062 / 9780142413067 2009-02-05 $7.29
Casey at the Bat Thayer, Ernest L. Paperback 0698115570 / 9780698115576 1997-03-17 $6.56
Chicken Sunday Polacco, Patricia Hardcover 0399221336 / 9780399221330 1992-03-25 $13.86
Chicken Sunday Polacco, Patricia Paperback 0698116151 / 9780698116153 1998-02-09 $6.56
Christmas Tapestry Polacco, Patricia Paperback 0142411655 / 9780142411650 2008-09-11 $7.29
El Pollo de los Domingos (Spanish) Polacco, Patricia Paperback 1933032448 / 9781933032443 2008-01-01 $7.29
Emma Kate Polacco, Patricia Paperback 0142411965 / 9780142411964 2008-11-01 $5.83
Fiona's Lace Polacco, Patricia Hardcover 1442487240 / 9781442487246 2014-08-26 $13.13
For the Love of Autumn Polacco, Patricia Hardcover 0399245413 / 9780399245411 2008-08-14 $13.86
G Is for Goat Polacco, Patricia Paperback 0142405507 / 9780142405505 2006-03-02 $6.56
G Is for Goat Polacco, Patricia Prebound 075696718X / 9780756967185 2006-03-02 $16.36
Gifts of the Heart Polacco, Patricia Hardcover 0399160949 / 9780399160943 2013-10-03 $14.59
Out Of Print Ginger and Petunia Polacco, Patricia Hardcover 0399245391 / 9780399245398 2007-05-10 $16.14
Gracias, Sr. Falker (Spanish) Polacco, Patricia Paperback 1933032022 / 9781933032023 2006-02-01 $7.29
Holes in the Sky Polacco, Patricia Hardcover 1524739480 / 9781524739485 2018-09-11 $14.59
I Can Hear the Sun: A Modern Myth Polacco, Patricia Paperback 069811857X / 9780698118577 1999-10-01 $6.56