Author / Artist
Pub Date
30 Days a Black Man Lib/E: The Forgotten Story That Exposed the Jim Crow South Library Edition Steigerwald, Bill Compact Disc 1538431920 / 9781538431924 2017-07-04 $73.00
30 Days a Black Man: The Forgotten Story That Exposed the Jim Crow South Steigerwald, Bill Compact Disc 1538431939 / 9781538431931 2017-07-04 $25.51
30 Days a Black Man: The Forgotten Story That Exposed the Jim Crow South Steigerwald, Bill MP3 CD 1538431947 / 9781538431948 2017-07-04 $21.86
A Beam of Light (Inspector Montalbano Mysteries)Camilleri, Andrea MP3 CD 1504649958 / 9781504649957 2015-09-01 $21.86
A Beam of Light (Inspector Montalbano Mysteries)Camilleri, Andrea Compact Disc 1504649966 / 9781504649964 2015-09-01 $21.86
A Beam of Light Lib/E (Inspector Montalbano Mysteries)Camilleri, Andrea Compact Disc 150464994X / 9781504649940 2015-09-01 $40.15
A Civil Campaign (Miles Vorkosigan Adventures)Bujold, Lois McMaster Compact Disc 1433207095 / 9781433207099 2007-09-01 $87.60
A Civil Campaign (Miles Vorkosigan Adventures)Bujold, Lois McMaster MP3 CD 1433207109 / 9781433207105 2007-09-01 $32.81
A Civil Campaign: A Comedy of Biology and Manners (Miles Vorkosigan Adventures)Bujold, Lois McMaster Compact Disc 1470824388 / 9781470824389 2012-07-01 $29.16
A Happy Marriage Yglesias, Rafael Compact Disc 1441725393 / 9781441725394 2010-02-01 $79.57
A Happy Marriage Yglesias, Rafael Compact Disc 1441725415 / 9781441725417 2010-08-01 $21.86
A Happy Marriage Yglesias, Rafael MP3 CD 1441725423 / 9781441725424 2010-02-01 $21.86
A Son of the Middle Border Garland, Hamlin Compact Disc 0786175885 / 9780786175888 2005-10-15 $72.27
A Son of the Middle Border Garland, Hamlin MP3 CD 0786178639 / 9780786178636 2005-10-15 $21.86
A Time of Changes Silverberg, Robert Compact Disc 0786149981 / 9780786149988 2007-04-01 $40.15
A Time of Changes Silverberg, Robert MP3 CD 078614999X / 9780786149995 2007-04-01 $21.86
A Time of Changes Silverberg, Robert Compact Disc 1470889315 / 9781470889319 2013-07-01 $21.86
A Tramp Abroad Twain, Mark Compact Disc 1441774750 / 9781441774750 2011-03-15 $24.05
A Tramp Abroad Twain, Mark MP3 CD 1441774769 / 9781441774767 2011-03-15 $21.86
A Tramp Abroad Lib/E Library Edition Twain, Mark Compact Disc 1441774742 / 9781441774743 2011-03-15 $76.65
Abraham Lincoln, a Man of Faith and Courage (Library Edition): Stories of Our Most Admired President Library Edition Wheeler, Joe Compact Disc 1609810031 / 9781609810030 2010-09-01 $37.95
Abraham Lincoln, a Man of Faith and Courage: Stories of Our Most Admired President Wheeler, Joe Compact Disc 159859365X / 9781598593655 2008-09-01 $21.89
Action! Cort, Robert MP3 CD 0786189088 / 9780786189083 2003-07-01 $18.21
Action! Cort, Robert Compact Disc 1470891743 / 9781470891749 2013-09-01 $24.05
Action! Lib/E Cort, Robert Compact Disc 0786191430 / 9780786191437 2003-07-01 $70.08